ORAL DWKO 2014(4)

Date: 07th Jan 2014 
DURATION : 2 Hours

1. Introduce yourself
2. Your sailing region onboard
3. Any accidents or incident witnessed during onboard training?
4. How many lifebuoys you had onboard?
5. Why 14 lifebuoys? (because it is a solas requirement ch 3 cargo vsls more than 200m)
6. Explain the requirement for lifebuoys( SOLAS ch 3 reg 7)
7. What is the difference between MOB lifebuoy and normal lifebuoy?
8. What is CPA?
9. Radar plotting- calculate CPA and find the aspect?
10. Based on the Radar plot what is your action to avoid collision? What if the same situation was restricted visibility?
11. What is the visibility sector of sidelights ?
12. What are the precautions when navigating in or near an area of restricted visibility?
13. Light identification (RAM lights seen from Stbd side, CBD vsl seen from astern, What is your action if it is seen right ahead and your vsl is also CBD)
14. What is the visibility range of these lights(answer based on Rule 22)-depends on length of vsl.
15. Use of AIS for collision avoidance. What is the carriage requirement for AIS(Solas ch 5 regulation 19)
16. Draw rough sketch of loadline mark and explain what is the purpose of loadline mark?
17. What is port state control inspection?
18. If there is a port state control inspection onboard your ship, and you are 3/o, how would you explain to them the use of EEBD(Emergency escape breathing device) 
19. Manual launching of the liferaft? If vsl was listing to stbd in an emergency which liferaft would you use?
20. If you are a signing off 3/0, how will you hand over to your reliever(documents) and what is your action if the reliever is not satisfied with the handover?
21. Identification of buoys- Port hand lateral mark in Region B and what is the purpose of the lateral mark?
22. Preferred channel to port Region A, what does preferred channel imply?
23. Explain emergence wreck marking buoy.
24. What is chart datum?
25. Identification of chart symbols e.g wreck with wire drag, wreck dangerous to surface navigation…… If in doubt of symbol what will you refer to? (chart symbols and abbreviations 5011)

Candidate : Abd Wahid
1. Passage planning
2. Compasses advantage &disadvantage
3. Rule 2 10 19..apply in situation
4. Explain everything about
5.buoys ( i got east n west cardinal..preferred channel to stbd both region..stbd lateral)
6.symbol in chart (lighthouse explain characteristic)
7. Choose appropriate chart from kuantan to hong kong
8. Sun azimuth and mp

Examiner: Capt. Iswadi
Candidate : Nizamudin
Time: 1 H 30 M
Status: Alhamdulillah

1. Self introduce
2. Passage plan (APEM)
3. Radar (limitation, error, requirement)
4. Liferaft (requirement, launching)
5. EEBD & ELSA (difference, requirement)
6. LTA (requirement, how to operate)
7. BUOY (preferd chnl to stbd region A, isolated danger buoy ,safe water mark)
8. RULE 5,7,9,10,15,19
9. Receive distress alert action
10. Action of pdv at starboard bow
11. Radar plotting 
12. Azimuth @ P.Klang
13. Sketch double bottom
14. Mechanism of weak link
15. vsl on fire. action.
16. Annex 5 marpol new requirement
17. Chart symbol (drying height, tidal diamond)
18. Information on tidal tabulated table 
19. Diff neap and spring tide
20. Squat effect


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