
Showing posts from October, 2013


STCW REG II/1-OFFICER IN CHARGE OF NAVIGATIONAL WATCH 500 GT OR MORE  UNLIMITED -  ORALS EXAMINATION SYLLABUS Navigation Plan and conduct a passage and determine position:  a) passage planning with respect to the use of navigational publications including navigational charts (including ECDIS and RCDS), sailing directions, light lists, tide tables, radio navigational warnings and ships’ routeing information;   b) the requirements of ship routeing and mandatory reporting systems;   c) IALA systems of maritime buoyages;   d)  Electronic systems of position fixing and navigation:  - Ability to determine the ship’s position by use of electronic navigational aids;  - Knowledge on the limitations and sources of error, methods of correction;     e) limitations of electronic chart systems including ECDIS and others electronic navigational chart systems;  g)  Compass — magnetic and gyro  - Knowledge of the principles of magnetic and gyro compasses, using cel