Random - selected oral question

1.When on watch, how often would you check the compass?

The compass is considered the most important instrument aboard the vessel. It would normally be checked by an azimuth or amplitude at least once every watch, and after every alteration of course, if practical.

A magnetic/gyro compass comparison would be made at the beginning and end of each watch period and at regular intervals during the watch period.All compass errors being recorded in the deviation  record book.

2.How often would you check the sextant and what checks would you carry out?

The sextant would be checked every time it is used. The checks would be for:
1st Adjustment  – for the Error of Perpendicularity,
2nd Adjustment – for Side Error, and 
3rd Adjustment – for Index Error

3.What liquid is found inside the compass bowl of the Magnetic Compass and why do we need it?

The older designed liquid compasses had a mixture of one part ethyl alcohol and two parts distilled water. The more modern magnetic compass will contain a clear oil such as ‘Bayol’.The purpose of the liquid is to make the compass more ‘Dead Beat’ and thereby easier to steer by.Where a fine oil is used, friction is reduced between the compass card and the jewel pivot bearing by providing a lubricant.The card will also achieve maximum buoyancy and remain steady, even in bad weather


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